Source: public/javascript/modules/domelements.js

 * This module centralizes somes statics to manipulate elements of the page

class DOMAccessor{

    static get3DSampConnection(){
        return document.getElementById("samp-registration");

    static get2DSampConnection(){
        return document.getElementById("sampRegistration");

     * Returns the velocity input field
     * @returns {Element} 
    static getYafitsVersion(){
        return document.getElementById("version").innerText.trim();

     * Returns the velocity input field
     * @returns {Element} 
    static getVelocityField(){
        return document.getElementById("lines-velocity");

     * Returns the redshift input field
     * @returns {Element} 
    static getRedshiftField(){
        return document.getElementById("lines-redshift");

    static getResetZButton(){
        return document.getElementById("z-reset");

     * Returns the title of the average spectrum
     * @returns {Element} 
    static getAverageSpectrumTitle(){
        return document.getElementById("summedchart-title");

     * Returns element displaying the position of the mouse on the single slice
     * @returns {Element} 
    static getSingleSliceMousePosition(){
        return document.getElementById('external-mouse-position-1');

    static getSingleChartCoordinates(){
        return document.getElementById('chart-coordinates');

    static getSummedChartCoordinates(){
        return document.getElementById('summedchart-coordinates');

    static getSummedChartCoordinatesArray(){
        let string = this.getSummedChartCoordinates().innerText;
        let strings = string.split(" ");
        let result =[];
        for(let i=1; i < strings.length; i++){
        return result;

    static getHnotField(){
        return document.getElementById("lines-hnot");

    static getOmegaMField(){
        return document.getElementById("lines-omegam");

    static getSearchRadiusField(){
        return document.getElementById("ned-search-radius");

    static getDlField(){
        return document.getElementById("lines-dl");

     * Returns element displaying the position of the mouse on the summed slice
     * @returns {Element} 
    static getSummedSliceMousePosition(){
        return document.getElementById('external-mouse-position-2');

    static setSliceChannel(text){
        document.getElementById("slice-channel").textContent = text;

    static setSliceRMS(text){
        document.getElementById("slice-rms").textContent = text;

    static setSummedSliceRMS(text){
        document.getElementById("summedslice-rms").textContent = text;

    static setSliceMean(text){
        document.getElementById("slice-mean").textContent = text;

    static setSummedSliceMean(text){
        document.getElementById("summedslice-mean").textContent = text;

    static updateSingleSliceColorBar(path){
        document.getElementById("slice-colormap").innerHTML=`<img src="${path}" alt="colorbar"></img>`;

    static updateSingleSummedColorBar(path){
        document.getElementById("summed-slice-colormap").innerHTML=`<img src="${path}" alt="colorbar"></img>`;

     * Returns the loading image
     * @returns 
    static getLoading(){
        return document.getElementById('loading');

     * Toggles the loading image
     * @param {boolean} isVisible 
    static showLoaderAction(isVisible) {
        if (isVisible) {
            this.getLoading().style.display = 'block';
        } else {
            this.getLoading().style.display = 'none';

     * Returns the field containing the status of the SAMP connection
     * The status is written in text and must be parsed before use.
     * @returns {Element}
    static getSampConnectionStatus(){
        return document.getElementById("withSamp");

     * Returns the field containing the status of the test mode
     * The status is written in text and must be parsed before use.
     * @returns {Element}
     static getTestModeStatus(){
        return document.getElementById("testMode");

     * Returns the field containing the organisation that installed this instance
     * of Yafits
     * The value is written in text and must be parsed before use.
     * @returns {Element}
     static getYafitsTarget(){
        return document.getElementById("yafitsTarget");

     * Returns the field containing the root url of the service
     * @returns {Element}
    static getUrlRoot(){
        return document.getElementById("urlRoot");

     * Returns the field containing the path of the currently opened FITS file
     * @returns {Element}
    static getFitsFilePath(){
        return document.getElementById("relFITSFilePath");

     * Returns the field containing the FITS file header
     * @returns {Element}
    static getHeader(){
        return document.getElementById("header");

     * Returns the field containing the name of the product whose data are displayed
     * @returns {Element}
    static getProduct(){
        return document.getElementById("product");

     * Returns the field containing the default value for LUT select
     * @returns {Element}
    static getDefaultLUTIndex(){
        return document.getElementById("defaultLutIndex");

     * Returns the field containing the url of the spectroscopy server
     * @returns {Element}
    static getSpectroServerUrl(){
        return document.getElementById("spectroServer");

     * Returns the color selected in the color palette
     * @returns {object} values for ittName, lutName, vmName
    static getConfiguration() {
        return {
            ittName: $('#ITT-selector').find(':selected').text().trim(),
            lutName: $('#LUT-selector').find(':selected').text().trim(),
            vmName: $('#video-mode-selector').find(':selected').text().trim()

     * Select a LUT in the list
     * @param {object} value name of selected LUT
    static selectLut(value){
        $('#LUT-selector').prop('selectedIndex', value);

    static markLoadingDone(){
        let span = document.createElement("span");"loading_done";
